Dangers of Ignoring Outdated Aluminium Wiring In Your Home


Aluminum wiring was popularly used in homes built from the mid-1960s to the late-1970s. The increase in copper prices at the time made aluminium a more affordable option for electrical wiring. However, it has been discovered that aluminum wiring is more prone to overheating, causing fires and other hazards, compared to copper wiring. Despite knowing the dangers of outdated aluminum wiring, some homeowners still ignore the need to upgrade their electrical systems.

This article will outline the top dangers of ignoring outdated aluminium wiring in your home.

Fire Hazards

wireThe top danger of outdated aluminum wiring is fire. Aluminum wiring is susceptible to overheating, which can cause fires. When aluminum wires heat up, they expand, making them loose in their connectors. This movement can create an arc that generates sparks, heat, and fire. Furthermore, these connector points may be hidden behind walls, making it difficult to know if loose wiring exists.

Poor Electrical Performance

Outdated aluminum wiring can cause various electrical performance issues, such as overheating appliances, tripped circuit breakers, and flickering lights. These issues can be very frustrating and inconvenient but can also be unsafe over time. Overheating devices can cause them to break down or even catch fire, while tripped circuit breakers could lead to power outages. Flickering lights can indicate damaged wiring, which could result in a fire.

Higher Insurance Premiums

Most insurance companies are cautious about homes with outdated aluminum wiring because of the higher risk of electrical hazards, including fires. Homeowners with old wiring may either be required to pay higher insurance premiums or even be denied coverage if they don’t upgrade their wiring. Upgrading your electrical system can make your home safer and reduce your insurance costs.

Lower Home Value

wireHomes with outdated aluminum wiring are often considered less valuable and desirable than those with upgraded wiring. Potential buyers will view the presence of obsolete wiring as a significant safety hazard that requires costly upgrades. Thus, delaying necessary upgrades may decrease your home’s value.

Ignoring outdated aluminum wiring in your home is a risk that can result in various dangers and consequences, including fire hazards, poor electrical performance, higher insurance premiums, and lower home values. The presence of outdated wiring in your house presents a potential fire risk that can cause considerable damage to your property and threaten the lives of your family.…